Step by step: how to hack wifi password.
v Collect the Cowpatty
We can run it from different directories in BackTrack.
v Search the Cowpatty Help file
To have this option, just type:
BackTrack will deliver a short help page. Bear in your mind
that cowpatty needs the subsequents.
A list of word
a data where the secret code hash
has been captured
SSID of the desired AP
v Keep your Wireless Adapter in Monitor Approach
Only for cracking with aircrack-ng, we have to keep the
wireless adapter into monitor mode.
v Begin a Capture File
Then, we have to start a capture file where the hashed
password will be kept when we capture the 4-way grip.
v Capture the Handshake
Now when anyone will join to the AP, we can hold the hash &
airdump-ng will display us it has been hold.
v Start the Cowpatty
As we have the hash of the password, we are able to use it
with cowpatty & the wordlist for cracking the hash.
Take a look that, cowpatty is making a hash of all words on
our wordlist with the SSID as a kernel & associating it to the captured
hash. When the hashes are accurate, it shows the key of the AP.
v Create your personal Hash
Cowpatty is easy to run but it is not fast. The key hash is
hashed with SHA1 with a kernel of the SSID. This sings that the similar key on unlike
SSIDs will produce unlike hashes. This averts us from merely using a multicolored
table in contradiction of all APs. Cowpatty must catch the key list you deliver
& calculate the hash with the SSID for every word. It is extremely slow.
Cowpatty now supports using a pre-calculated hash file
rather than a bare-writing word file, creating the cracking of the WPA2-PSK key
1000x quicker! Pre-calculated hash files are accessible from the Ecclesiastical
of WiFi, and these pre-calculated hash files are created using 172,000 vocabulary
file and the 1,000 most common SSIDs. As valuable as this is, if your SSID is
not in that 1,000, the hash list actually doesn't aid us.
In that situation, we have to create our personal hashes for
our desired SSID. We can do this by using a program named genpmk. We can create
our hash file for the "darkcode" wordlist for the SSID
"Mandela2" by entering:
v How to use our Hash
When we can finish creating our hashes for the specific
SSIDs, we will be able then to crack the key with cowpatty by inputting: